The Million-Dollar Question Remember the time when you asked me, "Can you let me know you, a bit more?" I'm not sure what kind of expression I made Realizing I was willing to let you take a peek Behind this mask and learn who I am But I don't really expect you to stay nor Am I letting you remain by my side after You discover the scars and wounds that I conceal By acting nice and tough like it never stings To be able to know me Is like giving you a reason To forget that you ever met me It's the price that we must pay And no compensation can be accepted That is the only way I can live my life Where I can not be reminded of shame So, what do you choose... Will you take it, or leave it? Are you willing to risk the faint chance To get closer to someone like me When you know you will gain nothing? ー侘 寂.
composition of my thoughts and feelings in the forms of a poem, short stories, songs, rants...