I've been searching for someone for a long time.
Someone who is like a piece of a puzzle.
Because I thought if there is a person who can fit perfectly without even a millimeter gap,
Then won't that person fill in what I'm missing?
I've always been searching for a piece,
But the pieces of the perfectly fitting puzzle were scattered individuals from the start.
And puzzle pieces that are jammed together,
Those only become distorted and warped.
I wonder what it would feel like to be connected,
Even with just the palm of their hand.
But people are born without a perfect match,
So to continue to become one with someone else and fill the gaps,
They continue changing forms by coming together, melting away their imperfections.
Its been ages since your last poem.
TumugonBurahinMag 1 year na, please do write again as I know na it's the only way to calm yourself.
Please project everything in your writing.
Will wait for your next poem.